Friday 29 June 2007


Nest no.7 thankfully preserved these images of the late Mrs. Vreeland's "garden in hell" in all its glory - the antidote for today's wont of the light and the bright - the dull and the safe.
After all, it was Mrs. Vreeland who said, it is not bad taste I object to, it is no taste that I'm against.


The Peak of Chic said...

One of my all time favorite rooms- EVER! And so interesting to think that Billy Baldwin was involved with it.

HOBAC said...

Two of my absolute favourite icons!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Yes, Mrs Vreeland was one of a kind! I am having dinner with her son tonight - he has great stories, as you can imagine.

HOBAC said...

How wonderful - he looks absolutely charming.