Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Dear Madam,

Please find the attached images of the pieces we discussed. They are truly wonderful. Not simply because each is unusual or particularly fine, but because each also contributes a specific and different note to a whole that could be...quite magical.

A satinwood and caned settee, late 18th century

Anglo Portuguese child`s chair, 18th century

Oak window seat with ebonised detail

Late collage by Sir Terry Frost

Walnut and brass bound jardiniere

George III mahogany tray top commode

Yours faithfully,

Now playing: Grace Jones - I'm Not Perfect
via FoxyTunes


little augury said...

I will say that settee is a love-who could resist that.

hello gorgeous said...

I love cane/caned seating - it's one of my very favorite things.