Friday 25 April 2008

The Devil Wears Prada

While the interiors industry is certainly gentler than the fashion industry, it is governed buy the same principles.
Lumpy nondescript blue sweater or lumpy nondescript blue cushion, it's all the same.

Now playing: David Bowie - Fashion
via FoxyTunes


HOBAC said...

fairfax - not as good a clip as one would have liked, but at least this one works. Enjoy as Miranda tells it like it is.

Pigtown*Design said...


cotedetexas said...

The second video is my favorite part from the movie. I love that where she lectures about the blue sweater. so great.

HOBAC said...

CdT - my favourite line is " You have no style, or sense of fashion..No, no, that wasn't a question.". Brilliant.